American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 194 / Number 1

Generation of Multigroup Cross Sections with an Improved Monte Carlo Algorithm

Li Cheng, Bin Zhong, Huayun Shen, Zehua Hu, Baiwen Li

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 194 / Number 1 / January 2020 / Pages 44-55

Technical Paper /

Received:May 10, 2019
Accepted:July 29, 2019
Published:December 13, 2019

We propose an improved algorithm of generating scattering matrices based on the Monte Carlo method. The new algorithm can greatly improve convergence compared to the traditional approach of the collision estimator. The formula for estimating statistical errors in the new algorithm is given. How the new algorithm benefits the convergence without investing large neutron samples is analyzed, and we also point out that with properly partitioned energy groups, the precision of scattering matrices can get close to that of total scattering cross sections. The new algorithm has been implemented in the neutron transport code NPTS and validated with a number of critical benchmark problems.