American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 187 / Number 3

Coarse Mesh Rebalance Acceleration Applied to an Iterative Domain Decomposition Method on Unstructured Mesh

N. Odry, J.-J. Lautard, J.-F. Vidal, G. Rimpault

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 187 / Number 3 / September 2017 / Pages 240-253

Technical Paper /

Received:December 1, 2016
Accepted:April 15, 2017
Published:August 11, 2017

An iterative domain decomposition method (DDM) is implemented inside the APOLLO3 Sn transport core solver MINARET. Based on a block-Jacobi algorithm, the method inherently suffers a convergence penalty in terms of both computing time and number of iterations. An acceleration method has to be developed in order to overcome this difficulty. This paper investigates a nonlinear coarse mesh rebalance (CMR) method that favors the way information propagates through the core when domain decomposition is used. The fundamental idea involves updating each subdomain boundary condition thanks to a core-sized low-order calculation on a coarse spatial mesh. The numerical convergence is sped up. Performances are meeting the expectations since the CMR acceleration systematically succeeds in overbalancing the domain decomposition additional cost. The aim of such a DDM + CMR algorithm is eventually to introduce more parallelism when solving the spatial transport equation. Nevertheless, parallel computing is not addressed in this paper.