Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 184 / Number 4 / December 2016 / Pages 551-560
Technical Paper /
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In an accelerator-driven system (ADS), the effective delayed neutron fraction βeff is required for subcriticality measurements in order to convert measured reactivity in dollar units into pcm units. Here, an alternative calculation methodology with source-dependent reaction rates is proposed to estimate the subcriticality (pcm units) with an external neutron source for the newly defined parameter βRRsource . In the proposed methodology, the parameter is obtained by the k-ratio method with reaction rates considering the external neutron source (fixed-source calculation) and is compared with that obtained by the eigenvalue calculations (MCNP6.1). To investigate its applicability to the estimation of subcriticality, subcriticality measurements by the extrapolated area ratio method are carried out in the experiments in ADS at the Kyoto University Critical Assembly, with the variation of subcriticality (pcm units) and the spectrum of the external neutron source. Then, βRRsource is estimated by the proposed methodology with MCNPX-2.5.0. The measured subcriticality with the use of βRRsource obtained by the fixed-source calculations shows good agreement with that obtained by the different measurement methodology and MCNPX-2.5.0. Through the subcriticality estimation, the applicability of the proposed methodology is confirmed for different subcriticality levels and the spectrum of the external neutron source.