Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 63 / Number 4 / August 1977 / Pages 493-500
Technical Note /
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To provide data for testing nitrogen and oxygen cross-section sets, transport of neutrons from a 252Cf source was investigated in a large volume of liquid air. Neutron energy spectra and doses were measured at distances between 30 and 230 cm from the source. Proton recoil proportional counters and NE-213 scintillation detectors were used to obtain energy spectra from 40 keV up to 10 MeV. Different computer programs were employed to unfold the pulse-height spectra. Dose measurements were made using a tissue equivalent ionization chamber and a GM counter. The results are compared with theoretical transport calculations performed with the ANISN code. In general, there is good agreement between the calculations and measurements up to the largest distances.