American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 122 / Number 2

A Plutonium-Fueled High-Moderated Pressurized Water Reactor for the Next Century

Patrick Barbrault

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 122 / Number 2 / February 1996 / Pages 240-246

Technical Paper /

Within the framework of French reprocessing policy, for several years, Electricité de France has been studying a high-moderating-ratio (HMR) pressurized water reactor that could accept 100% mixed-oxide (MOX) reloads. Total plutonium content is 9% to ensure a discharge burnup of 60 000 MWd/tonne. A high-moderating ratio (2.5 instead of 2.0) is obtained by replacing 36 fuel rods by water holes. This solution combines the advantages of high moderation (better efficiency of soluble boron, control rods, etc.) and technological continuity. The core should contain 241 fuel assemblies for a total thermal output of 4250 MW(thermal). The fuel management is easy, but core control requires the use of 10B-enriched boron carbide for the control rods and 10B-enriched soluble boric acid for the primary system, thereby ensuring satisfactory core behavior under accident conditions such as control rod ejection and unexpected valve opening on the secondary side. The advantages of this 100% MOX core compared with a 50% MOX core are discussed. This concept is fully compatible with the future European pressurized reactor (EPR). This 100% MOX HMR reactor could be the plutonium version of the EPR.