Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 121 / Number 1 / September 1995 / Pages 114-129
Technical Paper /
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New core-reflector boundary conditions designed for the exclusion of the reflector region in transient nodal reactor calculations are formulated. Spatially flat frequency approximations for the temporal neutron behavior and two types of transverse leakage approximations in the reflector region are introduced to solve the transverse-integrated time-dependent one-dimensional diffusion equation and then to obtain relationships between net current and flux at the core-reflector interfaces. To examine the effectiveness of new core-reflector boundary conditions in transient nodal reactor computations, nodal expansion method (NEM) computations with and without explicit representation of the reflector are performed for Laboratorium fur Reaktorregelung und Anlagen (LRA) boiling water reactor (BWR) and Nuclear Energy Agency Committee on Reactor Physics (NEACRP) pressurized water reactor (PWR) rod ejection kinetics benchmark problems. Good agreement between two NEM computations is demonstrated in all the important transient parameters of two benchmark problems. A significant amount of CPU time saving is also demonstrated with the boundary condition model with transverse leakage (BCMTL) approximations in the reflector region. In the three-dimensional LRA BWR, the BCMTL and the explicit reflector model computations differ by ∼4% in transient peak power density while the BCMTL results in >40% of CPU time saving by excluding both the axial and the radial reflector regions from explicit computational nodes. In the NEACRP PWR problem, which includes six different transient cases (A1, A2, Bl, B2, C1, and C2), the largest difference is 24.4% in the transient maximum power in the one-node-per-assembly Bl transient results. This difference in the transient maximum power of the Bl case is shown to reduce to 11.7% in the four-node-per-assembly computations. As for the computing time, BCMTL is shown to reduce the CPU time >20% in all six transient cases of the NEACRP PWR.