American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 135 / Number 1

Measurement of Activation Reaction Rate Distributions in a Lead Assembly Bombarded with 500-MeV Protons

Hiroshi Takada, Shin-ichro Meigo, Toshinobu Sasa, Kazufumi Tsujimoto, Hideshi Yasuda

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 135 / Number 1 / May 2000 / Pages 23-32

Technical Paper /

Reaction rate distributions of various activation detectors such as the natNi(n,x)58Co, 197Au(n,2n)196Au, and 197Au(n,4n)194Au reactions were measured to study the production and the transport of spallation neutrons in a lead assembly bombarded with protons of 500 MeV. The measured data were analyzed with the nucleon-meson transport code NMTC/JAERI combined with the MCNP4A code using the nuclide production cross sections based on the JENDL Dosimetry File and those calculated with the ALICE-F code. It was found that the NMTC/JAERI-MCNP4A calculations agreed well with the experiments for the low-energy-threshold reaction of natNi(n,x)58Co. With the increase of threshold energy, however, the calculation underestimated the experiments, especially above 20 MeV. The reason for the disagreement can be attributed to the underestimation of the neutron yield in the tens of mega-electron-volt regions by the NMTC/JAERI code.