Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 20 / Number 4 / December 1964 / Pages 527-535
Technical Paper /
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The average number of prompt neutrons, , emitted per fission has been measured for the neutron-induced fission of U238. The measurement was made for several incident neutron energies between 1.5 and 7.5 MeV and for 14.8 MeV. A large liquid scintillator was used as the detector of the fission neutrons. The experimental results can be represented above the threshold for fission by a linear relationship
(E) = 2.313 + 0.154 E. The results are also in good agreement with the ‘universal
-curve’ of Hopkins and Diven. An attempt to investigate the possibility of a step at 6 MeV in the
versus neutron energy curve was also made.