Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 26 / Number 4 / December 1966 / Pages 487-499
Technical Paper /
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Neutron capture cross-section measurements from 0.01 to 10 eV on 182W, 183W, 184W, and 186W employing a totally absorbing gamma-ray detector are described. The 2200 m/sec values of the neutron capture cross section (in barns) obtained are: The shapes and magnitudes of the cross-section curves are compared to calculations using reported resonance parameters. Negative energy levels are postulated to account for the discrepancies between calculation and experiment for 182W and 184W. The 182W parameters are: E0 = −30.7 eV, Γγ= 57 meV, = 20 meV, g = 1, and for 194W: E0 = −110 eV, Γγ= 57 meV,
= 48.4 meV, g = 1. The 183W and 186W measured cross sections are lower than those calculated from reported positive-energy resonance parameters. A measurement of the gold-capture cross section was used as a check on the experimental techniques employed. This work was supported in part by the National Aeronaustics and Space Administration, Space Nuclear Propulsion Office, under Contract SNPC-27.