American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 1 / Number 1

The Effective Resonance Integrals of U-238 and Th-232

Lawrence Dresner

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 1 / Number 1 / March 1956 / Pages 68-79

Technical Paper /

Numerical calculations performed on the ORACLE have made possible exact inclusion of the effect of Doppler broadening of resonance lines in the calculation of resonance absorption integrals. The effective resonance integrals of U238 and Th232 have been calculated as functions of the scattering cross section per absorbing nucleus for 0° and 300°K. Agreement of the calculated (300°K) and experimental resonance integrals is excellent for U238 and good for Th232, except in the case of pure ThO2 where a discrepancy is noted.