Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 57 / Number 4 / May 2010 / Pages 361-368
Technical Note / dx.doi.org/10.13182/FST10-A9498
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The linear magnetic trap is an attractive concept both for fusion reactors and for other plasma applications because of its relative engineering simplicity and high-beta operation. Applying the -channeling technique to linear traps such as mirror machines can benefit this concept by efficiently redirecting
-particle energy to fuel ion heating or by otherwise sustaining plasma confinement, thus increasing the effective fusion reactivity. To identify waves suitable for
channeling, a rough optimization of the energy extraction rate with respect to the wave parameters is performed. After the optimal regime is identified, a systematic search for modes with similar parameters in mirror plasmas is performed, assuming quasi-longitudinal or quasi-transverse wave propagation. Several modes suitable for
-particle energy extraction are identified for both reactor designs and for proof-of-principle experiments.