Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 47 / Number 1T / January 2005 / Pages 339-341
Technical Paper / Open Magnetic Systems for Plasma Confinement / dx.doi.org/10.13182/FST05-A683
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In the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror, neutral hydrogen densities in the central-cell and anchor-cell have been estimated by measuring spatial profiles of H line-emission with absolutely calibrated H
line-emission detectors. Absolute measurements of H
line-emission enable us to evaluate the neutral density based on the collisional-radiative model. Recently, single channel H
line-emission detectors were installed in plug/barrier cells, where the axial confining potentials are produced by electron cyclotron resonance heating. We studied the neutral particle behavior in the plug/barrier cells for the first time using the newly installed H
line-emission detectors. Moreover we have designed and installed a multi-channel H
line-emission detector system to study the neutral hydrogen behavior in the plug/barrier cell.