Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 47 / Number 1T / January 2005 / Pages 35-42
Technical Paper / Open Magnetic Systems for Plasma Confinement / dx.doi.org/10.13182/FST05-A605
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Main results of researches on plasma heating and confinement of dense plasma in the multimirror trap GOL-3 are presented.
Recently magnetic system of the facility was converted into completely multimirror one. This results in further improvement of energy confinement time of plasma with ion temperature ~1 keV. Collective plasma heating by ~120 kJ (~8 s) relativistic electron beam results in Te ~ 2 keV at ~1021 m-3 density. High Te exists for ~10
s. To this time Ti reaches ~2 keV. Ion temperature keeps at the high level during ~1 ms. The energy confinement time sufficiently increases and a value of n
E = (1.5 [divide] 3)
1018 m-3s.