American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 81 / Number 3

Behavior of Foreign Interstitial Hydrogen and Helium Atoms at Tungsten/Beryllium Interface from First-Principles Calculations

Junjie Zhao, Zhaochun Zhang, Haibo Guo, Yang Wang

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 81 / Number 3 / April 2025 / Pages 191-207

Research Article /

Received:November 22, 2023
Accepted:June 13, 2024
Published:March 5, 2025

The behavior of foreign interstitial hydrogen and helium atoms and its effect on the physical properties of the tungsten/beryllium interface structure were computationally studied by first-principles calculations. Briefly, as part of our study of helium irradiation damage and hydrogen detention, the following properties were calculated: (1) the electronic properties of the tungsten/beryllium interface structure with a single interstitial hydrogen or helium atom and Hen vacancy or Hn vacancy complexes, and (2) the isotropy (polycrystalline) elastic modulus (bulk, torsion, Young’s modulus), anisotropy factor and minimum thermal conductivity of the previously described tungsten/beryllium interface systems.

This study found that defect atoms are more likely to be concentrated in beryllium, but the tungsten layer is more sensitive to changes in mechanical properties caused by interstitial atoms. The ability of the beryllium vacancies to capture interstitial atoms is smaller than that of the tungsten vacancies. Based on the computational results, a preliminary assumption of the judgment of the tungsten/beryllium interface structure on the resistivity for plasma-facing materials is introduced. These computational studies provide a critical evaluation of the radiation resistivity and hydrogen retention of tungsten/beryllium interface materials. The calculated interface properties can be incorporated into radiation damage resistance property evaluation systems to develop and test tungsten-based composite materials.