Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 79 / Number 6 / August 2023 / Pages 703-722
Research Article / dx.doi.org/10.1080/15361055.2023.2178869
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The modern challenges of nuclear energy are the replenishment of dwindling reserves of nuclear fuel and the development of a closed nuclear fuel cycle while complying with strict radiation safety requirements. A fusion neutron source has unique capabilities to solve these problems. The preliminary results of a neutronic analysis of the FNS-C fusion-fission hybrid neutron source with a thorium-uranium aqueous blanket by the Monte Carlo method computer simulation, using the MCNP-4 code with the ENDF/B-VII cross-section library, gives satisfactory results for the study of the possibility of creating a compact source of fusion neutrons based on a small spherical tokamak for commercial use.
The obtained results show that the FNS-C hybrid blanket generates enough tritium to fully ensure the uninterrupted operation of the FNS-C throughout the year. The reproduction coefficient of 233U is 1.027 at a consumption of 1304 kg/year of the fissile material in the aqueous blanket containing 232Th enriched to 1.47% 233U. The FNS-C is operated with an effective neutron multiplication factor keff ~ 0.99 with reactivity ρ = –0.006249 in the presence of delayed neutrons, which corresponds to the safest state of the core of thermal neutron fission reactors. The thermal power of the FNS-C at keff ~ 0.99 is ~3 GW, which is comparable to the thermal power of fission reactors. This indicates the potential possibility of creating a safe thorium-uranium breeder power reactor based on a fusion neutron source. The results of the study were obtained for the simplified approximate geometrical FNS-C model. To confirm the preliminary results, it is necessary to develop a more accurate calculation model of the FNS-C machine.