Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 78 / Number 1 / January 2022 / Pages 1-9
Technical Paper / dx.doi.org/10.1080/15361055.2021.1940034
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Fuel injection by means of solid cryogenic pellets is expected to provide a sound and efficient tool. Hence, the installation of a pellet launching system will be a necessity. Yet, pellets are considered as a serviceable actuator for integrated supplementary functions as, e.g., fast and efficient delivery of seeding gas, or in case needed, the pacing of edge-localized modes. Consequently, a control scheme has to be developed that is capable of mastering the simultaneous actuations covering different tasks. Our scheme relies on pellet launching by a centrifuge accelerator, providing the option for precisely predictable pellet injection sequences. In order to develop a suitable actuator control scheme, as a first step the central part was brought into service at ASDEX Upgrade. It proved operational for feedback particle flux control of a single pellet source. In a subsequent step, it is now upgraded to enable multitasked control of the JT-60SA multipellet source currently under construction. In its finally designated configuration, this control scheme provides a potential solution for a reactor-grade system.