Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 43 / Number 1T / January 2003 / Pages 295-298
Field Reversed Configuration and Neutron Sources / dx.doi.org/10.13182/FST03-A11963618
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Plasmas with field reversed configuration (FRC) are confined in open systems and have extremely high beta value of about 100% and they are one of candidates for an attractive reactor. But, in many cases they are produced in theta pinch apparatus and accessibility of additional heating facilities is poor. In order to solve this problem and to realize density appropriate for neutral beam injection, technology of translation is useful. By the translation, an FRC plasma is ejected out from theta pinch formation region and is translocated into a confinement region. With this translation, experiments related to sustain and control the FRC plasma become to be accomplished. Actually, axial magnetic compression, neutral beam heating and low frequency RF wave heating experiments are carried out on the FRC Injection Experiment (FIX) apparatus.