Source of VUV Emission Based on Beam-Heated Plasma of GOL-3-II Facility
V.T. Astrelin, A.V. Arzhannikov, E.V. Bobukh, A.V. Burdakov, I.A. Ivanov, V.S. Koidan, K.I. Mekler, P.I. Melnikov, S.V. Polosatkin, V.V. Postupaev, A.F. Rovenskikh, S.L. Sinitskiy, A.Yu. Zabolotsky, N.G. Karlykhanov, V.A. Lykov, V.G. Nikolaev
Published:February 8, 2018
New approach to a vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) source based on mirror-confined plasma is presented. A plasma cloud with ne=1016−1017 cm−3 and Te=10–50 eV serves as an active medium. Such plasma can be obtained in GOL-3 facility by means of two-stage heating by relativistic electron beam. Current experiments on GOL-3-II facility are described. Results of recent study of VUV flush from hydrogen and nitrogen plasma with calculations of ionisation balance and radiation power are presented. Transitions in Li-like ions for recombination scheme and in Ne-like ions for collision excitation scheme are considered as a candidates for coherent VUV generation. Prospects of population inversion and gain achievement are discussed.