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Home / Publications / Journals / Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 35 / Number 1T

Crossed E×B-Fields Back-Bombardment Instability and Ion Cyclotron Heating of Gas-Discharge Plasma Streams

Vladimir M. Fedorov, Vladimir P. Tarakanov

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 35 / Number 1T / January 1999 / Pages 320-324

Poster Presentations /

Published:February 8, 2018

The article present our recent results of computer simulations and theory analysis concerning of dynamics of the crossed E×B-fields back-bombardment (BKB) instability in magnetron diodes. The concept of the BKB-instability applied to show new explanation for known experimental data of an intense ion heating in accelerated plasma streams. Main features of the BKB-instability into ion diodes are following: 1) ion magnetic insulation is d0 > ri where d0 is accelerating gap across applied magnetic field B0, ri = 5V00.5/B0 is proton Larmor radius, cm; V0 – applied voltage, kV; B0 – kG; 2) EA ≠ 0 is high electric field on self or secondary emission anode electrodes; 3) main frequency oscillation of fs = fci/2 = 0.76 B0 MHz; 4) convert power efficiency of ηB = P~/P0 is up to 50%.

Radial proton HF-oscillations current density of the Jir provided by the BKB-instability excites magnetohydrodynamics waves. They are propagated in the tube plasma with azimuthal velocity v∼9 ~ 107 cm/s (Miv∼92 ~ eV0) and along the B0 with the vA ~ 4×107 cm/s -Alfven velocity. Known experimental data was demonstrated a level of the HF-oscillation power which was absorbed by proton streams by ion cyclotron heating equals up to 30% total supply power of the 1 MW.

Work supported by RFFI under grant 96-02-19215.