Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 35 / Number 1T / January 1999 / Pages 112-118
Topical Review Lectures / dx.doi.org/10.13182/FST99-A11963834
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A short review of recent results obtained at the GOL-3-II facility is presented. This facility is an open trap with 12 m long plasma column with a longitudinal magnetic field of 4.5 T in the uniform part and 9 T in the end mirrors. There is the possibility to change the magnetic field configuration. Plasma density can be varied in 1014÷1017 cm−3 range. A microsecond electron beam with total energy of 0.2 MJ is injected into the plasma through the input mirror.
Collective interactions of an electron beam with a plasma and its fast heating are studied at this facility. An efficiency of collective electron beam deceleration up to 40% is achieved in a 1015 cm−3 plasma. The average electron temperature of ∼2 keV at plasma density (1–2) 1015 cm−3 is obtained. With two-stage heating of a dense (∼1016 cm−3) plasma the electron temperature of 300÷500 eV and the ion temperature of 100÷200 eV are reached.
Prospects of experiments on multimirror and «wall» plasma confinement at GOL-3-II facility are discussed.