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Home / Publications / Journals / Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 30 / Number 3P2A

Twelve Years of Tritium Operating Experience at the Tritium Systems Test Assembly

Richard V Carlson, Kenji Okuno

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 30 / Number 3P2A / December 1996 / Pages 900-904

Fuel Cycle and Tritium Technology /

Published:February 8, 2018

The Tritium Systems Test Assembly (TSTA) at Los Alamos National Laboratory is a facility designed to develop and demonstrate, in full scale, selected tritium systems necessary for safe and efficient operation of fusion reactors. TSTA currently consists of systems for pumping DT fuel mixtures; for removing gaseous impurities from DT gas streams; for separating the isotopes of hydrogen; for storage of hydrogen isotopes; for gas analysis; for studying materials interaction with a tritium plasma; for fueling a reactor with solid DT pellets; and for assuring safety by the necessary control, monitoring, and detritiation of effluent gaseous streams. TSTA also has several smaller scale experiments to develop and test new equipment and processes necessary for fusion reactors. These include laser Raman studies, development of a self assaying tritium storage bed, and tritium compatibility tests for valves and materials. After completion of the experiments on the JAERI Fuel Cleanup system, the system has been decontaminated and disposed (D&D) of as waste. This was accomplished with no increases in stack tritium emissions and personnel exposures. A new tritium plasma experiment and pellet injector has been added to TSTA.

Tritium was introduced into TSTA in June 1984. The current tritium inventory is approximately 130 grams. Approximately 5×109 curies of tritium have been processed in closed loop operation at TSTA. Total tritium releases from the facility stack have been less than 346 Curies during the entire operating history. The goal of TSTA has been to maintain annual stack releases to less than 200 Ci. Total operating personnel exposures (for approximately 20 workers) are less than 1 person-rem. Exposures to the general public from TSTA tritium releases are extremely small (less than 10-2 mrem.).

An important aspect of compliance with these requirements is the management program developed to support TSTA operations. These include: quality assurance, training, maintenance, radiation protection, safety documentation such as safety analysis reports, document and procedure control, EPA stack monitoring compliance, conduct of operations, emergency preparedness, and waste management.