Finite β Effects on the ICRF and NBI Heating in the Large Helical Device
Sadayoshi Murakami, Noriyoshi Nakajima, Masao Okamoto
Published:February 8, 2018
Finite β effects on the ICRF minority heating and NBI heating are investigated in the Large Helical Device (LHD) by means of the Monte Carlo simulation code using the numerically calculated magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium. The large Shafranov shift occurs in finite β to change the magnetic field configuration and to alter the particle drift motions. It is found that the change of magnetic field configuration due to finite β effects enhances the losses of high energetic trapped particles produced by ICRF heating. However the clear change of heating efficiency is not observed in finite β. It is also found that the deposition profile of neutral beams is modified due to the Shafranov shift in finite β and the center deposition is enhanced in high density case.