Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 72 / Number 4 / November 2017 / Pages 785-788
Technical Note / dx.doi.org/10.1080/15361055.2017.1350480
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The annealing effects on deuterium (D) retention for 0.1–1.0 dpa iron (Fe) ion damaged W were studied as a function of annealing duration. The D2 spectra for Fe damaged W with lower defect concentration showed that D trapped by vacancy clusters was clearly decreased as increasing annealing duration due to the recovery of vacancy clusters. On the other hand, at higher defect concentration, the desorption peak of D trapped by voids was shifted toward higher temperature side, which would be caused by aggregation of vacancies and vacancy clusters. It can be said that the recovery and aggregation behavior of defects are controlled by defect concentration. By disappearing of desorption of D trapped by vacancy clusters after annealing for longer duration, the desorption of D trapped by vacancies was increased, which could be explained by following two possibilities. One is that the retention of hydrogen isotope trapped by monovacancy was increased. The other is that number of vacancies during annihilation process of vacancy cluster were formed by annealing.