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Home / Publications / Journals / Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 8 / Number 1P2A

Physics-Magnetics Trade Studies for Tandem Mirror Reactors#

R. B. Campbell (TRW)/L. J. Perkins, D. T. Blackfield

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 8 / Number 1P2A / July 1985 / Pages 674-679

Plasma Engineering / Proceedings of the Sixth Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy (San Francisco, California, March 3-7, 1985) /

We describe and present results obtained from the optimization package of the Tandem Mirror Reactor Systems Code. We have found it to be very useful in searching through multidimensional parameter space, and have applied it here to study the effect of choke coil field strength and net electric power on cost of electricity (COE) and mass utilization factor (MUF) for MINIMARS type reactors. We have found that a broad optimum occurs at Bchoke = 26 T for both COE and MUF. The COE economy of scale approaches saturation at quite low powers, around 600 MW(e). The saturation is mainly due to longer construction times for large plants, and the associated time related costs. The MUF economy of scale does not saturate, at least for powers up to 2400 MW(e).