Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 68 / Number 1 / July 2015 / Pages 130-135
Technical Paper / Open Magnetic Systems 2014 / dx.doi.org/10.13182/FST14-881
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In this paper, detailed results on spectral measurement are reported and the argument on impurity transport is presented from the comparison of the spectral measurements in the end-cell and the plug/barrier-cell. Spectroscopic measurement in the plug/barrier-cell was carried out for the first time. Ionization behavior in the plug/barrier-cell showed a significant difference from that in the end-cell. Discussion of detached plasma generation from the change of the electron temperature, density and emission spectrum by the gas injection conditions is also presented. In the case that the plenum pressure of noble gas was increased, the radiation of hydrogen neutrals decreased by 20~90% and the ion saturation current decreased by 90~95%, which indicated that electron density is reduced by recombination. It is suggested that the effect of molecular activated recombination may have appeared.