Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 68 / Number 1 / July 2015 / Pages 87-91
Technical Paper / Open Magnetic Systems 2014 / dx.doi.org/10.13182/FST14-864
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A system for electron cyclotron resonance plasma heating (ECRH) has been recently installed at the GDT (Gas Dynamic Trap) facility at Budker Institute. The system is based on two 5.5-mm gyrotrons and is designed to deliver two microwave beams with total power of 700 kW and X-mode polarization that are absorbed at the fundamental cyclotron harmonic. A significant increase of basic plasma parameters (energy content, electron temperature, neutron flux) during the injection of microwave radiation has been registered. In particular, the on-axis electron temperature was increased from 200 eV to 600 eV in several shots with ECRH, which establishes a new record for this class of magnetic installation.