American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 28 / Number 3P2

The Intermediate and Product Storage Systems for the JET Active Gas Handling System - Inactive Commissioning

R Stagg, J L Hemmerich, R Lässer, M Laveyry, J Lupo, P Milverton, N Skinner, A Perevezentsev

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 28 / Number 3P2 / October 1995 / Pages 1425-1430

Tritium Storage, Distribution, and Transportation / Proceedings of the Fifth Topical Meeting on Tritium Technology In Fission, Fusion, and Isotopic Applications Belgirate, Italy May 28-June 3, 1995 /

The Product Storage (PS) and Intermediate Storage (IS) systems of the Active Gas Handling System (AGHS) are hydrogen isotope storage facilities. IS will take pure hydrogen mixtures from the Cryogenic Forevacuum (CF) system and store them until the isotope separation systems, Cryogenic Distillation (CD) and Gas Chromatography (GC), are ready to separate the mixtures into pure H2, D2 and T2. The purified D2 and T2 will be sent to PS for storage, while any protium will be diluted with nitrogen and discharged to atmosphere if the T2 levels are below 4 × 10−4Ci/m3. PS will then deliver gas via the Gas Introduction (GI) system to the various users. The principal parts of PS and IS are their U-bed assemblies. Each assembly consists of four uranium beds (U-bed) which each store up to 27 moles of hydrogen. The commissioning results, the absorption and desorption characteristics of the U-beds, the sequences for safe operation of the U-beds and transfer of gases to other AGHS systems, the hardwired interlock system and the over/underpressure protection system for the secondary containments will be discussed.