American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 21 / Number 4

A Review of 3He Resources and Acquisition for Use as Fusion Fuel

L. J. Wittenberg, E. N. Cameron, G. L. Kulcinski, S. H. Ott, J. F. Santarius, G. I. Sviatoslavsky, I. N. SViatoslavsky, H. E. Thompson

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 21 / Number 4 / July 1992 / Pages 2230-2253

Technical Paper / Special Issue on D-He Fusion / D-3He/Fusion Reactor /

A combination of man-made and natural resources on earth could provide sufficient 3He fuel for the technological development of D-3He fusion reactors. Helium exists in natural gas wells; however, at the current rate of natural gas usage, this resource would provide <5 kg/yr of 3He. The radioactive decay of 3H produced in fission production reactors could yield 110 kg of 3He by the year 2000 if it were retained. Apparently, a large amount of 3He exists within the earth's mantle, but it is inaccessible. A significant quantity of 3He, which could be imported to supply a fusion power industry on earth for hundreds of years, exists on the moon. The solar wind has deposited >1 million tonnes of 3He in the fine regolith that covers the surface of the moon. The presence of this solar wind gas was confirmed by analyses of the lunar regolith samples brought to earth. A strong correlation is noted between the helium retained and the TiO2 content of the regolith; consequently, remote-sensing data showing high-titanium-bearing soils in the lunar maria areas have been used to locate potentially rich sites for helium extraction. Surface photographs of Mare Tranquillitatis have shown that nearly 50% of this mare may be minable and capable of supplying ∼7100 tonnes of 3He. A mobile mining vehicle is proposed f or use in the excavation of the soil and the release of the helium and other solar wind gases. The evolved gases would be purified by a combination of permeators and cryogenic techniques to provide a rich resource of H2, helium, CO2, H2O, and N2, followed by helium isotopic separation systems. The energy and financial payback from those operations are substantial when this fuel is utilized in a D-3He fusion reactor located on earth. The implementation of this mining operation would have minimal impact on the lunar environment. Several legal regimes ensure that such a lunar enterprise can be implemented without severely disrupting international order.