Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 16 / Number 2 / September 1989 / Pages 263-267
Technical Note / dx.doi.org/10.13182/FST89-A29160
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A 1000-MW(electric) fusion power reactor concept based on electrochemically induced D-Dn, D-Dp, and deuterium-tritium reactions is presented. A D- He reaction is not possible because
He is not absorbed in the electrode. The concept of a tube-type fuel cell is presented. The inner surface of the tube is laminated with palladium. The cell provides a large cathode surface and efficient heat transport to the water coolant. The fuel assemblies and bundles of fuel tubes are installed in the pressure vessel. The reactor system is very similar to a pressurized water reactor, though the reactor internals are much simplified due to the elimination of fission fuel pellets and control rods. The spatial power distribution of the reactor core is very flat compared with that of fission reactors.