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Home / Publications / Journals / Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 8 / Number 3

Application of Multilayered Blanket Concept to the Tokamak Configuration for Tritium Breeding Calculations

Om Prakash Joneja, Vijay R. Nargundkar

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 8 / Number 3 / November 1985 / Pages 2721-2726

Technical Note / Blanket Engineering /

The multilayered blanket concept introduced initially in spherical geometry has been extended to tokamak geometry, which has been approximated by an annular disk geometry for the present calculations. Tritium production is determined, using such commonly available materials as lead, natural lithium, and graphite/water. The Morse-E general geometry package is employed to simulate the blanket geometry and the plasma region where the neutrons are produced. Calculations are performed for both the block- and the multilayered-type blanket configurations. Using water as a moderator/reflector, the multilayered arrangement gives a 75% higher tritium production compared to the block-type blanket with the same overall size of assembly. The advantage in tritium breeding due to the multilayered arrangement remains practically the same when 10 vol% stainless steel structural material is used; however, the absolute value of tritium breeding decreases by 6 to 8%. Calculations are reported for a homogeneous, block, and multilayered arrangement of materials. Using lead, natural lithium, and water in the annular disk geometry, an overall thickness of 35 cm would be sufficient to give tritium breeding of 1.32/source neutron.