Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 8 / Number 2P2 / September 1985 / Pages 2344-2351
Material Interaction / Proceedings of the Second National Topical Meeting on Tritium Technology in Fission, Fusion and Isotopic Applications (Dayton, Ohio, April 30 to May 2, 1985) / dx.doi.org/10.13182/FST85-A24629
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The parameters of gas-metal interaction solubility S, diffusivity D and permeability of protium and deuterium in stainless steel 316L have been determined in the temperature range from 600 to 900 K and in the pressure range from 102 to 105 Pa. The results can be presented by:
where KS (Sieverts' constant) is given in Pa−1/2, D in m2.s−1,
in m2.s−1.Pa−1/2, Po in Pa, T in K and R = 8.31 J.g-atom−1.K−1. The tritium properties have been calculated by application of quantumstatistical partition functions to the solution and diffusion process:
The characteristic temperatures of vibration in the ground state, θ = hv/k and in the activated state, θ* = hv*/k have been determined from the measured ratios of protium and deuterium solubilities and diffusivities: