Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 33 / Number 2 / March 1998 / Pages 136-145
Technical Paper / dx.doi.org/10.13182/FST98-A24
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The purpose of the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) is to provide irradiation conditions of a typical deuterium-tritium (D-T) fusion reactor for small material samples, but with higher irradiation levels. An extensive code and data development has been performed, allowing a comprehensive neutronic analysis of the high-flux test volume. New data evaluations for neutron interactions and responses at high energies (20 to 50 MeV) were performed and processed, and a Monte Carlo neutron source model for the Li(d,xn) reaction was developed for use with the MCNP neutron transport code.
The neutron flux density was found to be >1014 ncm-2
s-1 throughout the anticipated high-flux test volume with a high-energy fraction (>14 MeV) of ~20%. The available test volume with >20 dpa/full-power year in iron was found to be 550 ± 180 cm3. This uncertainty is due almost entirely to the uncertainty in the total neutron yield. Hydrogen and helium production rates were calculated and a helium/dpa ratio between 10 and 12 appm/dpa was found, which is similar to that found in a D-T fusion reactor. IFMIF was found to provide an adequate environment for the simulation of D-T fusion reactors, but more work is required to extend and improve the current data and tools.