American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 54 / Number 1

Tritium Transfer in Pigs - A Model Test

A. Melintescu, D. Galeriu

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 54 / Number 1 / July 2008 / Pages 269-272

Technical Paper / Environment and Safety /

In the frame of IAEA EMRAS (Environmental Modelling for Radiation Safety) programme, there was developed a scenario for models' testing starting with unpublished data for a sow fed with OBT for 84 days. The scenario includes model predictions for the dynamics of tritium in urine and faeces and HTO and OBT in organs at sacrifice. There have been done two inter-comparison exercises and most of the models succeeded to give predictions better than a factor 3 to 5, excepting faeces. There has been done an analysis of models' structure, performance and limits in order to be able to build a model of moderate complexity with a reliable predictive power, able to be applied for human dosimetry, also, when OBT data are missing.