Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 59 / Number 1T / January 2011 / Pages 170-175
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Axial variations in magnetic or electrostatic confinement fields create local trapping separatrices, and traditional neo-classical theory analyzes the effects from collision-induced separatrix crossings. Recent experiments and theory have characterized the distinctive neo-classical effects from chaotic separatrix crossings, induced by equilibrium plasma rotation across -ruffled separatrices, or by wave-induced separatrix fluctuations. Experiments on nominally-symmetric pure electron plasmas with controlled separatrices agree quantitatively with theory in 3 broad areas: 1) radial particle transport is driven by a static z- and
-asymmetry; 2) both E × B drift waves and Langmuir waves are damped; and 3) novel dissipative wave-wave couplings are observed. The new chaotic neo-classical effects scale as
0B-1, whereas traditional plateau-regime collisional effects scale as