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ANS on the Closing of Ohio & Pennsylvania Power Plants

Yesterday’s announcement by FirstEnergy Solutions of its intention to deactivate the Beaver Valley, Davis-Besse and Perry nuclear power plants, although not surprising, is very disappointing and a tremendous loss to the Ohio-Pennsylvania region.

This decision shows the benefits and value provided by nuclear power plants continue to not be adequately recognized, appreciated, or compensated.

“As a result of this decision, consumers in Ohio and Pennsylvania will lose the resilient, reliable, clean, low-carbon benefits that nuclear power provides around the clock, electricity prices will increase, and local residents and municipalities near the plants will experience significant economic hardships in the form of thousands of lost jobs and significant reductions in tax revenue,“ said ANS President Bob Coward.

The American Nuclear Society urges Ohio and Pennsylvania policymakers to develop policies similar to those adopted by Illinois and New York that recognize and reward the tangible benefits of nuclear energy.

Read the ANS Position Statement-U.S. Commerical Nuclear Power Plants: A Vital National Asset for additional information.

In 2015 ANS formed the Special Committee on Nuclear in the States and introduced the Nuclear in the States Toolkit. This valuable Toolkit outlines policies related to new and existing nuclear reactors for state policymakers to consider as they draft their Clean Power Plan compliance strategies.

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