ANS Announces 2018 Congressional Fellow
The ANS Special Committee for the Congressional Fellowship Program announced Dr. Charles "Chip" Martin as the 2018 Glenn T. Seaborg Congressional Fellow. Dr. Martin's term will begin January 1, 2018, on Capitol Hill.
Chairman of the Special Committee Harsh Desai said, "Dr. Martin's vast experience and expertise in the nuclear industry position him perfectly to provide technical advise to congressional members and committees on Capitol Hill."
Dr. Martin currently serves as the chief nuclear officer for National Security Technologies (NSTec) and is a management and operating contractor for the Nevada National Security site near Las Vegas, Nevada. He also is as an adjunct professor of nuclear engineering in the mechanical engineering department at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Dr. Martin has more than 20 years of experience as a senior engineer with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB), which has given him extensive knowledge of the relevant directives, codes, standards, and regulations related to nuclear safety and facility operations.
“I am delighted to learn that I will have an opportunity to be a direct contributor to the federal policy-making process," said Martin upon learning of the Congressional Fellowship award. "Nuclear science and technology contributes immensely to our quality of life, and I hope to make a significant impact toward realizing the ANS Nuclear Grand Challenges.”
Dr. Charles "Chip" Martin
2018 Glenn T. Seaborg Congressional Fellow