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ANS Nuclear Grand Challenges Announced

American Nuclear Society (ANS) President Andy Klein announced nine ANS Nuclear Grand Challenges that need to be resolved by 2030 at the society's Annual Meeting in San Francisco today. They are:

1. Establish the scientific basis for modern low-dose radiation regulation.
2. Transform the way the nuclear technologies sector thinks about public engagement.
3. Close the nuclear fuel cycle.
4.  Ensure continuous availability of radioisotopes.
5.  Rejuvenate the nuclear technology infrastructure and facilities.
6.  Accelerate development and qualification of advanced materials.
7.  Accelerate utilization of simulation and experimentation.
8.  Expedite licensing and deployment of advanced reactor designs.
9.  Expedite nuclear education and knowledge transfer.

“America’s nuclear sector stands at a crossroads. Our organization aims to address some of the major technical nuclear challenges, so we can continue to enjoy the economic, political and social benefits from this vitally important technology for decades to come. We received nearly 300 suggestions, and countless others were discussed within our professional divisions,” said Klein at a media briefing during the ANS Annual Meeting in San Francisco on June 12.

The results described in the ANS Nuclear Grand Challenges report provide focus for those who will continue the mission to share information and engage with the public and policymakers to foster advancements in nuclear technology.

“The nuclear industry faces an exciting future as evidenced by the large number of private companies forming, all desiring to commercialize an advanced nuclear product,” stated Todd Allen, professor of engineering physics at University of Wisconsin and Third Way senior visiting fellow.

“In many cases, the performance of advanced materials is critical to making a concept commercially attractive. The material science nuclear grand challenge asks ANS members to use the most advanced tools to support the pace demanded by commercialization,” he continued.

The ANS Nuclear Grand Challenges will form a basis for ANS research and policy recommendations to government officials and agencies, partner organizations, and others interested in the future of nuclear technologies.

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