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ANS Calls on Local Sections for “Nuclear in Our Backyard” Ideas

Tracy Marc|

In 2016 there were significant nuclear power events like DOE Nuclear Summit and the passage of the New York Clean Energy Standard CES that recognized nuclear power's ability to meet today’s energy challenges in an environmentally responsible manner.

The ANS Special Committee on Nuclear in the States (SCNiS) is asking Local Sections for their ideas to develop ongoing, local-based initiatives to not only preserve our existing nuclear plants, but also to encourage new nuclear construction to address future demand and to replace operating nuclear units when they reach end-of-life.

The program is called “Nuclear in Our Backyard” and it is a competitive process to develop innovative and groundbreaking local and state initiatives to support nuclear.

ANS Local Sections are ideally positioned to lead the way on initiatives in their states. Together, the Special Committee and Local Sections can identify specific state issues and situations,and develop and promote effective solutions. Local sections are encouraged to team with Student Sections in developing proposals.

For the winning proposals, the Special Committee and other ANS resources will assist you with engaging your membership and other local nuclear supporters in truly making a difference.

You can view the RFP on the ANS Public Policy page to consider proposing a local initiative for your area. Applications should be submitted as a single PDF to Tracy Coyle no later than April 30, 2017.

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