Sen. Lamar Alexander on the Future of Nuclear
The Senate Energy & Water Appropriations Subcommittee hosted the second part of its hearing on the future of nuclear power Wednesday, November 16. In his opening statement, Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) laid out his rational for continuing support of nuclear:
"If in my hometown of Maryville, I had twenty fire marshals come around and tell me my house might burn down, I think I would buy some fire insurance. So my recommendation is that we should get some insurance against climate change. I think the best insurance is nuclear power. It makes no sense whatsoever to close reactors at a time when many people think climate change is a problem. We need to invest today in the next generation of nuclear reactors, advanced reactors, small modular reactors, and accident tolerant fuels."
His full opening statement and his vision for necessary actions to ensure nuclear survival are available here.