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ANS calls on Illinois members to help stop Clinton, Quad Cities premature closures

Immediate action needed

American Nuclear Society President Andrew Klein today called upon its Illinois members to contact their state representatives before the legislative veto session ends on Thursday, December 1, to encourage passage of SB 2814, which will ensure that the Zero Emissions Standard proposal will preserve Exelon’s Illinois nuclear plants for at least 10 years and include strong consumer protections. 

ANS is a member of a coalition organized by Environmental Progress that has been working to save nuclear power plants that have been threatened with premature closures. ANS's Special Committee on Nuclear in the States has been lauded for its Nuclear in the States Toolkit and efforts toward passage of the New York Clean Energy Standard.

The Illinois legislation that will save the Clinton and Quad Cities nuclear plants has been under attack by fossil fuel funded organizations. With only a few days left to pass the legislation, Dr. Klein asked ANS members to:

1.      Call or email your elected officials and ask them to vote YES on SB 2814. Opponents of the bill have been calling and we must respond.

2.       Tweet at key Illinois legislators and decision makers. Here is a sample suggested message using one Representative’s handle. Note the use of a period before @. This puts your message directly on their feed: 

.@LLCoolK_4 Vote YES on SB2814: save IL jobs, clean #nuclearenergy @ans_org

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