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ANS Congratulates 2016 Award Recipients

Tracy Marc|

The American Nuclear Society would like to congratulate all of the nuclear science and technology honorees who were presented with awards at the 2016 Winter Meeting based on their outstanding achievement and meritorious service in the various fields served by the Society. You can view photos of the award recipients at the Winter Meeting.

Arthur Holly Compton Award in Education
Rizwan Uddin 

Don Miller Award
Arndt Lindner 

E. Gail de Planque National Award
Bernadette L. Kirk

Eugene P. Wigner Reactor Physicist Award
Dr. Luiz Carlos Leal and Dr. Mark L. Williams

FCWMD Lifetime Achievement Award
Benard Boullis

FCWMD Significant Contributions Award
Robert Jubin

Fellows of ANS
Mark DeHart
Temitope Taiwo
Terry Todd
Dr. Jess C. Gehin
Dr. Robert N. Hill
Dr. Alan S. Icenhour
Dr. Jose N. Reyes, Jr.
Dr. Akio Yamamoto

Henry DeWolf Smyth Nuclear Statesman Award (NEI)
Peter B. Lyons

Landis Young Member Engineering Achievement Award
Kurt A. Terrani Local Sections Meritorious Award
Small Local Sections:

  • Best Membership – Northeastern New York
  • Best Meetings and Programs – Pittsburgh
  • Best Public Information – Oak Ridge/Knoxville
  • Best Section Management – Northeastern New York

Best Large Local Section
Overall - Savannah River

Best International Section
Overall - Japan

Mark Mills Award
Dr. Yinbin Miao

Mary Jane Oestmann Professional Women's Achievement Award
Dr. Zahra Mohaghegh

Meritorious Performance in Operations Award
Advanced Test Reactor

Mishima Award
Brian Wirth

Nuclear Historic Landmark Award
University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR) and the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) Complex 

Presidential Citations
Darby S. Kimball, Stephen E. Kuczynski, Edward D. Kee, Nicholas Thompson, and Daniel J. Curtis

Ray Goertz Award
Frank M. Heckendorn II 

Robert L. Long Training Excellence Award
Larry R. Foulke and  Gilbert J. Brown

Samuel Glasstone Award
University of Illinois Student Section (Best Section), University of Florida Student Section (Honorable Mention), and University of Wisconsin – Madison Student Section (Honorable Mention) 

Seaborg Medal
Dr. George H. Miley

Standards Service Award
Andrew O. Smetana

Student Design Competition
Graduate: University of California Berkeley, Near-Term Deployment Viability of Liquid-Fuel Molten Salt Reactors, Sandra Bogetic, Andrew Greenop, Nils Haneklaus, Chris Poresky, Dan Shen, Advisor: Dr. Massimiliano Fratoni
(Winter) Sandra Bogetic, Andrew Greenop, Nils Haneklaus, Chris Poresky,Dan Shen Advisor: Dr. Massimiliano Fratoni

Undergraduate, Purdue University, Helium-3 Production Via Lithium Activation In An Accelerator-Driven Reactor, P. Dressman, A. Jassem, T. Kyle, R. Nicholson, S. Sanders, D. Toneff, Advisor: Prof. Chan K. Choi;
(Winter) P. Dressman, A. Jassem, T. Kyle, R. Nicholson, S. Sanders, D. Toneff Advisor: Prof. Chan K. Choi
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Design Report for the Molten-Chloride High Temperature Reactor (M-CHTR), Alex Gross, Andrew Maile, Jordan Rein, Advisor: Dr. John Murphy;
(Winter) Alex Gross, Andrew Maile, Jordan Rein,Advisor: Dr. John Murphy
Texas A&M University, VASIMR ® Interfaced High Temperature GasCooled Fast Reactor for Advanced Space Applications (VARGAS), Joe Kelsey, Andrés Morell-Pacheco, Tyler Hughes, and Nick Whitman, Advisor: Dr. Pavel Tsvetkov
(Winter) Joe Kelsey, Andrés Morell-Pacheco, Tyler Hughes, and Nick Whitman Advisor: Dr. Pavel Tsvetkov

Technical Achievement Award
Dr. Nam Truc Dinh

Utility Achievement Award
Plant Hatch

Utility Leadership Award
Randall K. Edington

W. Bennett Lewis Award
Pablo Mulás

Walter H. Zinn Award
Regis Matzie

Young Member Excellence Award
Dr. Kathryn D. Huff

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