Join the Rally to Save Illinois Nuclear Plants
On Monday, October 24, 2016, at 11:00 am, independent pro-nuclear environmentalists will march, rally, and sing in support of provisions in the Next Generation Energy Plan (NGEP) that would allow for continued operation of the Clinton and Quad Cities nuclear plants.
Illinois legislators could still act in a veto session after the November 8 elections to save both plants as part of a package deal that includes generous subsidies for renewables and energy efficiency.
Coalition marchers will walk to the headquarters of two organizations they view as hostile towards nuclear power — Invenergy and the Environmental Law and Policy Center (ELPC).
The march is being organized by the Clean Power Coalition, a new pro-nuclear environmental coalition consisting of Environmental Progress, American Nuclear Society (ANS) - Young Members Group, Mothers for Nuclear, Thorium Energy Alliance, and the International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC).
“It takes guts to defend nuclear power in this hostile political climate,” noted Brett Rampal, Chair of the American Nuclear Society's Young Members Group. “But with all the information, I trust the legislature will do the right thing.”
Here’s what you can do, right now.
1. Come to Save the Nukes! It’s a night of advocacy training followed by a morning of strategy sessions, and a march to Save Clinton and Quad Cities. It begins Sunday, Oct. 23rd at 5:30 pm at the Congress Plaza Hotel, and continues the next morning with a Save the Nukes! march starting at W. Monroe St. and S. Wells St. at 11:00 am.
2. Send an email or tweet at Illinois legislators and decision makers using these forms. It’s the quickest and easiest way to help save these plants and fight climate change.
3. Write a quick letter to the editor. Click here for some facts and tips that will make writing the letter painless and help you get published!