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NY Public Service Commission Approves Clean Energy Standard

The American Nuclear Society (ANS) applauds the New York Public Service Commission for voting today to enact the Clean Energy Standard (CES) that will have positive economic and environmental impacts for the state.

“This vote demonstrates to other states that there are policy choices available that foster clean energy practices and technologies that include nuclear energy,” said Andy Klein, ANS President. “Governor Cuomo and the NY Public Service Commission understand that energy diversity is vital and maintaining current operations of carbon-free nuclear power is necessary to prevent environmental backsliding. We encourage other states to consider adopting similar standards.”

The American Nuclear Society formed the Special Committee on Nuclear in the States in 2015 to catalog policy options for states as they consider the role of nuclear power in their energy mix. Upon hearing of the Commission’s approval, Special Committee co-chair Dr. Peter Lyons stated, “We are pleased that New York has taken this important step in leading the country by adopting an aggressive clean energy target. The collaborative efforts of all parties exemplifies what other states can do while developing their own energy strategies. ANS will continue to work with other states in looking for ways to retain nuclear energy technologies.”

The Special Committee released a Nuclear in the States Toolkit 2.0 in June 2016, which includes a catalog of policy options that includes recent and relevant state activities.

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