ANS Announces New Board Members
The American Nuclear Society (ANS) announced the results of its national election at its the Annual Business Meeting on June 15, 2016 in New Orleans, LA. The newly-elected will take their positions and begin their terms on June 16, 2016.
The following were elected to the ANS Board of Directors from 2016-2017.
Vice President / President-Elect
Robert N. Coward-Principal Officer, MPR Associates, Inc.
U.S. At-Large Directors
Sue Aggarwal - President & CEO, New Millennium Nuclear Technologies International, Inc.;
Todd Palmer- Professor, School of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Oregon State University;
Daniel Churchman- Fleet Engineering Director, Southern Nuclear Company;
James Behrens - Retired U.S. Navy and Senior National Security Analyst, Department of Defense Contractors
Non-U.S. At-Large Director
Eleodor Nichita- Associate Professor, Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, ON, Canada.
Dr. Andy Klein, professor in the School of Nuclear Science and Engineering at Oregon State University will begin his role as ANS President on June 16, 2016.
Full election results can be found on our website.