Petition calls on federal government to value nuclear energy benefits
American Nuclear Society President Eugene S. Grecheck and incoming ANS president Andrew Klein sent a letter to the more than 10,000 ANS members today asking them to sign a petition requesting that the federal government institute policies that recognize the special and unique benefits of nuclear power. "ANS members are fully aware of what unfortunately occurs when nuclear isn’t given the same benefits as other sources of power – our plants are unable to compete in unbalanced markets," they said in the letter.
To get a response from the White House, the petition needs 100,000 signatures by July 8, 2016. Grecheck and Klein are asking ANS members to participate, whether they work in the energy industry or not.
The petition was created by J.H. Steward Melville III, a Senior Reactor Operator at the FitzPatrick nuclear plant in Oswego, NY. In an article posted today on the ANS Nuclear Cafe, Melville said that he wants "the federal government to institute policies that recognize the special and unique benefits of nuclear power."