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ANS Publishes New Standard on Non-Real-Time, High-Integrity Software

New standard ANSI/ANS-10.8-2015, “Non-Real-Time, High-Integrity Software for the Nuclear Industry—User Requirements,” is intended to provide quality assurance requirements for the users of non-real-time, high-integrity software developed for nuclear industry applications. This standard complements ANSI/ANS-10.7-2013, “Non-Real-Time, High-Integrity Software for the Nuclear Industry―Developer Requirements,” which provides requirements for the development of such software. It also builds upon NUREG/CR-6263, “High-Integrity Software for Nuclear Power Plants: Candidate Guidelines, Technical Basis and Research Needs,” which was prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to assist with development of a technical basis for regulatory positions related to the use of high-integrity software in nuclear power plants. NUREG/CR 6263 and NUREG/CR-5930, “High Integrity Software Standards and Guidelines,” were developed for application to nuclear power plants, and are primarily applicable to nuclear power plants and other nuclear facilities, and operations with similar high consequences and hazards.
ANSI/ANS-10.8-2015 is available for purchase in the online ANS Store in print or PDF.
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