Nuclear for Climate Wins PIME Award
The European Nuclear Society’s (ENS) 2016 PIME Award for communication excellence in the nuclear sector was won by the Nuclear For Climate campaign, an initiative created jointly by the American Nuclear Society (ANS), the French Nuclear Energy Society (SFEN), and ENS, and supported by nearly 150 member organizations.
The campaign promoted the role nuclear power plays in the fight against climate change. The award was announced February 16 at the PIME (Public Materials Information Exchange) conference in Bucharest, Romania.
Nuclear for Climate (N4C) is a global grassroots initiative involving nuclear associations, scientific societies and industry forums, representing more than 100,000 nuclear professionals .
Among the activities that led to the award was Nuclear for Climate's involvement in the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris in December 2015. The partner organizations coordinated national and international communications activities around a common message: "Nuclear energy is part of the solution for fighting climate change."
Read the full story about the 2016 PIME Award by clicking here: