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Gene Grecheck: "We Need Nuclear Equality"

Euguene Grecheck

ANS President Gene Grecheck is urging nuclear professionals to take action in the days and weeks leading up to COP21 this December. 

In his Nuclear Cafe blog post, Grecheck asks nuclear professionals to actively inform the public that nuclear energy is safe, reliable, and can help reduce greenhouse gases.

Grecheck cites that more than one billion people in the world today do not have clean water, safe food or electricity that can contribute to better health and prosperity. Also, the world cannot meet carbon reduction goals while meeting the needs of the growing world population if the UNFCCC agreement does not include nuclear energy.

A growing number of environmentalists are advocating for nuclear energy, and opinion polls show the more the public knows about nuclear, the more they favor its use.

To turn people into informed supporters of nuclear energy, spread the message and share the blog using #COP21, #Nuclear4Climate and #NuclearEquality.


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