Climate: 39 Nuclear Associations Collaborate
Nuclear associations globally meet to sign pledge to fight climate change
During ICAPP (International Congress on Advances on nuclear Power Plants) in Nice, France, 39 nuclear societies, representing 50,000 scientists from 36 countries from five continents jointly signed a declaration that presents their commitment to the fight against climate change. The declaration is a major component of the “Nuclear for Climate” global initiative to achieve recognition that nuclear is a low-carbon energy that is part of the solution to fight climate change. In the summer of 2014, nuclear engineers and scientists launched this grassroots initiative.
Initially launched through the French Nuclear Society, the European Nuclear Society, and the American Nuclear Society, “Nuclear for Climate” gathered the presidents or representatives from the participating organizations today to declare, “We proudly believe that nuclear energy is a key part of the solution in the fight against climate change.”
The scientists and business leaders stressed that each country needs access to the widest possible portfolio of low-carbon technologies available, including nuclear energy, in order to reduce CO2 emissions and meet other energy goals.
They call for the new UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) Protocols to recognize nuclear energy as a low-carbon energy option, and to include it in its climate funding mechanisms, as is the case for all other low-carbon energy sources.
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