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ANS applauds NRC Yucca Safety Evaluation Report

The American Nuclear Society (ANS) applauded the finalization of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) Yucca Mountain High-Level Waste Repository Safety Evaluation Report Volume 3 as a significant step in informing future repository activities and re-starting the Yucca facility licensing review process.

 "The issuance of this report represents a significant scientific and regulatory body of work by the Department of Energy and NRC," noted ANS President Michaele (Mikey) Brady Raap. "The ball is now squarely in Congress's court to follow through with funding to complete the licensing process."

 Dr. Brady Raap indicated that regardless of whether disposal of high-level radioactive waste occurs at Yucca Mountain or another proposed repository, the thorough review of scientific information in the application is a positive step toward a national resolution on the issue of safe radioactive waste management.


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